The teaching of statistics in the context of the data society: challenges and reflections

Keywords: statistical literacy, data society, research, higher education


The conformation of the data society has replanted the relationship of people with reality; Access to large amounts of information raises the need for resources that enable the interpretation of data, to make decisions about everyday problems. That is why statistics are used as the discipline that offers these possibilities, however, the problems in its teaching, such as the decontextualization of the subject in the process of generating knowledge and the lack of a pedagogical framework to guide decisions of the teaching staff, has shown the need to reflect on the alternatives that can be followed in this field. Therefore, the present essay has the purpose of analyzing the current panorama of the teaching of statistics in the context of the data society, in order to propose some reflections that allow us to move towards statistical literacy. To comply with the above, in the first place, the incorporation of the teaching of statistics as an integral part of the research process is proposed; Later, some pedagogical reflections are developed that can be constituted as a frame of reference for the teaching of this body of knowledge and finally, the proposals that have been developed around statistical literacy are retaken, which include reflection on the role of the teacher, as well as the analysis of the curricular model in the teaching process.


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Author Biography

Felipe Santoyo Telles, Universidad de Guadalajara

Doctor en Ciencia y Tecnología graduado del Centro de Investigación y Asistencia en Tecnología y Diseño del Estado de Jalisco. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Áreas de interés: Aplicación y enseñanza de la estadística. Actualmente es profesor-investigador de la Universidad de Guadalajara adscrito al Centro Universitario del Sur.


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How to Cite
Santoyo Telles, F. (2022). The teaching of statistics in the context of the data society: challenges and reflections. Journal De Ciencias Sociales, 1(18), 88-106.