Perceptions about excess weight in the sociocultural context

Keywords: overweight, perception, aesthetics, stigmatization


Excess weight is a condition that is currently responsible for the increased risks of diabetes, hypertension and some types of cancer. This social phenomenon requires a multidisciplinary treatment in which students of health and human behavior are involved, from medicine, nutrition, physical activation, social work and psychology personnel; to sociologists, anthropologists, historians and other social scientists who contribute to better understand the imprint of this problem in specific contexts. Although there are differences between these disciplines in the way of approaching and perceiving this phenomenon, they should not cancel each other out, but rather complement each other. By considering the different perspectives and approaches of these disciplines around excess weight, this problem can be visualized in its entirety, that is, the guidelines and circumstances under which it develops. Therefore, the objective of the present research is to examine the ambivalence and mutability of the perception around excess weight. The perception that has been given to excess weight has changed throughout history, from being conceived as something normal, and even positive, to have a negative connotation. This change in perception has been reflected in contemporary society, and the impact it currently has is reflected in the constant increase in the overweight population. Ambivalence generates a deficit in the approach and the strategies lack unification in the different sectors, a complex scenario is envisioned in the face of the different positions and the lack of a transdisciplinary approach. Changes are required in the conception of the phenomenon away from guilt and assuming responsibilities both individually and collectively.


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Author Biographies

Maribel Candelaria Martínez, Universidad de Guadalajara - Centro Universitario del Sur

Licenciada y Magister en Psicología. Estudiante del Doctorado en Psicología con Orientación en Calidad de Vida y Salud.

Edgardo Leija Irurzo, El Colegio de México

Licenciado y Magister en Historia. Estudiante de Doctorado en Historia en el Centro de Estudios Históricos. El Colegio de México.


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How to Cite
Candelaria Martínez, M., & Leija Irurzo, E. (2021). Perceptions about excess weight in the sociocultural context . Journal De Ciencias Sociales, (16), 111-123.