Food insecurity and quality of life in Mexico: a review of studies with a qualitative approach
Around the human feeding process there are four basic pillars: production, access, safety and nutritional quality of food; if any fail, it results in what is called food insecurity and this situation has a direct effect on people's quality of life. The objective of this work is to answer the question: what are the main findings around food insecurity in Mexico, published over the past 14 years and made under qualitative methodology? Method: a systematic review is presented whose search for articles was carried out in the Springer Link, Redalyc and Google Academic databases, with combinations of words in Spanish and English (food insecurity, food security, qualitative studies, qualitative method, Mexico) and that had been published in the period 2006-2020. A total of ten research papers were located and the information was organized from different thematic axes that identified methods and techniques used, as well as findings related to people's perceptions, experiences and feeding practices, and information on food insecurity response strategies, among others. These findings are discussed in light of the daily implications for study people and in connection with the quality of life in Mexico.
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