El Journalistic treatment of information vs. infodemic in pandemic times: contrasts between professional journalism and so-called citizen journalism.


In a landscape of challenges, crisis and accelerated technological evolution, the COVID-19 pandemic accentuated the positive and negative aspects of the informational context linked to the real and virtual world: first, remote work with portable digital communication tools, provides access to broadcast and distribute without intermediaries and with a speed unthinkable in traditional media. Second, the overproduction of information, thanks to these new processes available to everyone, pose risks that result in misinformation, fake or misleading news and the handling of data at convenience by public or private entities. This historical moment requires a reflection of the information processes from the media and from abroad, where civil society produces, circulates, accelerates or slows down the messages that are relevant to it. It is pertinent to re-take advantage of digital communication tools with an ethical and professional use, where journalists, the media and universities have a leadership role and an example in the face of the abundance of information, which in the environment of the pandemic has been cataloged as infodemic.


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Author Biographies

Rosa Eugenia García Gómez, Universidad de Guadalajara

Maestra en Ciencias Sociales con especialidad en Comunicación Social. Profesor Docente Asociado B. Departamento de Artes y Humanidades (CUSUR). Perfil PRODEP. Coordinadora de la Licenciatura en Periodismo (CUSUR). Líneas de investigación: Estudios periodísticos; Comunicación y procesos mediáticos para el cambio social.

Javier Antonio Zepeda Orozco, University of Guadalajara

Master of Science in Communication graduated from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, Associate Professor of Audiovisual Production at Journalism career at Centro Universitario del Sur of the University of Guadalajara. Head of the Academic Body "Literature and Journalism" (UDG-CA-1085) and the Laboratory of Journalism in that institution. 20 years of experience in audiovisual media and 5 years in cultural management and promotion, having been cultural coordinator of the Regional Museum of History of Colima and working in the Secretary of Culture of the Government of the State of Colima. Research lines: Journalistic studies, Communication and media processes for social change.


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How to Cite
García Gómez, R. E., & Zepeda Orozco, J. A. (2021). El Journalistic treatment of information vs. infodemic in pandemic times: contrasts between professional journalism and so-called citizen journalism. Journal De Ciencias Sociales, (16), 135-141. https://doi.org/10.18682/jcs.vi16.4441