Una llamada desde el Sur Global a revisar la investigación participativa en clave de justicia en “Democratising Participatory Research”


Carmen Martínez Vargas's book entitled "Democratising Participatory Research: Pathways to Social Justice from the South" is an invitation from the Global South, in this case from South Africa, to rethink the way of producing knowledge. In the book, she calls on universities to open up the generation of knowledge to society, democratising processes so that the knowledge of those on the margins is incorporated. To this end, the author proposes the "democratic capabilities research", inspired by the Capabilities Approach to generate knowledge in a more democratic way. The book is highly recommended for those universities and research staff who want to reflect on their research practices from a social justice perspective. It is also an invitation to reconsider how we do participatory research in light of our Western biases.


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Author Biography

Álvaro Fernández-Baldor, Universitat Politècnica de València

Profesor del Dpto. de Proyectos de Ingeniería de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) e investigador del Instituto de Gestión de la Innovación y el Conocimiento – INGENIO (CSIC – UPV).
Centra su investigación en metodologías participativas y el impacto social de la tecnología. 


Nussbaum, M. C. (2011). Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach. Harvard University Press.

Sen, A. (1999). Development as Freedom. Random House.

Sen, A. (2009). The Idea of Justice. Belknap.

How to Cite
Fernández-Baldor, Álvaro. (2023). Una llamada desde el Sur Global a revisar la investigación participativa en clave de justicia en “Democratising Participatory Research”. Journal De Ciencias Sociales, 1(20), 108-112. https://doi.org/10.18682/jcs.v1i20.8188