Deaf Signers Students: a Button Showing The Importance of Participating Since Childhood

  • Miriam Viridiana Verástegui Juárez Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco
Keywords: deaf, participation, inclusion, mexican sign language.


This investigation introduces the importance of Deaf student’s participation having as reference frame two Universities; one of them, a Technological University and the other one, a Polytechnic University.  These universities were chosen due to the fact that they are open to inclusive education for these population. The reference frame taken for the field work, is participation as fundamental process for effective inclusion. Even when the results for actions taking place for deaf people in order to have access to academic contents of their career are encouraging, they leave a huge space for intervention in the link with other universities and in the promotion of ideas and projects that students have developed so that these models be implemented in other universities. To this day, students are not consulted about decisions concerning the school system. This is not just happening in elementary school but in middle and high school. Different publications argue about the importance of student participation as fundamental to build democratic schools. It will be absolutely necessary on all education levels that student voices be heard, so that through their experience, actions and plans may be traced to allow the possibility of exercising the right to inclusive education, so that deaf students experience themselves as   agents of change, providing their experiences and knowledge to promote a more inclusive and fair society.


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How to Cite
Verástegui Juárez, M. V. (2018). Deaf Signers Students: a Button Showing The Importance of Participating Since Childhood. Journal De Ciencias Sociales, (11).