The internationalization of higher education. Analysis of the case Alfa Tuning Project Latin America
This paper addresses the concept of internationalization in the field of higher education. Internationalization is usually considered as the transformative response of the academic world to globalization (Beneitone, 2008). That is why internationalization can be considered as the inclusion of an international and intercultural view within the teaching-learning process.
Some ideas about the university institution in the current globalized world are analyzed, to later carry out a case analysis, focused on the Tuning Latin American Project. Expose some routes for its gestation, its objectives, the lines of work and its structure.
The Tuning Project propose to generate internationally shared reference points. Underlay the search for a shared space respecting autonomy at institutional level, traditions and diversities.
Is an initiative generated by universities for universities, with the aim of initiating a dialogue to improve collaboration between institutions of higher education (González Wagenaar, & Beneitone 2004).
Globalization and internationalization generate the need for dialogue, reflection and exchange. It isn´t a simple path, but crossing of these processes and subsequent arrival of agreements will surely lead to the enrichment of universities, academic communities and higher education as a whole.
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