“Riding a Juggernaut”

Notes about some social proposal´s in Giddens

Keywords: society, basic trust, modernity, postmodernity


The objective of the following paper is a preliminary investigation of Giddens' ideas about the social, expressed in terms of modernity, basic trust, expert systems and risk policies, methodologically going through his main texts, contrasted in turn with others (from other disciplines) that allow a new approach to them. Giddens indicates the place of reflexivity and expert systems as structures that integrate the world, the social, daily experiences and the constitution of the self, and in that version of the social that is called modernity. All these factors come together in risk and opportunity, but framed in the achievement of a feeling of identity that feels like one's own and authentic. Based on these issues, this article aims to try to deepen what is meant by the social and, especially, what degree of reliability it may deserve, from Giddens' perspective, but also integrating other cultural, social and cultural perspectives. psychoanalytic, to try to situate the epistemological implications at stake, pointing out its scope and limitations. As results, it is indicated that it is possible to perceive a certain conception of the social fabric in terms of integration and predictability, but always according to a specific social context. In this way, Giddens's social ideas are open to criticism, but they are not unattainable as long as his sociological analysis does not avoid perplexities, confusions and difficulties, which indicate a social that escapes rational, functionalist and even structuralist dimensions.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Klein, Oxford Institute of Population Ageing / Universidad de Guanajuato

Doctor en Servicio Social, por la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro- UFRJ- Brasil. Associate Professorial Fellow- Oxford Institute of Population Ageing- Oxford University. Profesor Investigador de la Universidad de Guanajuato-División de Ciencias Sociales, México Categoría: Titular A. Forma parte del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de México –CONACYT-Nivel I- y del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores de Uruguay-ANII-Nivel I. Se desempeña como Coordinador de la Red Larna (Latin American Research Network on Ageing), Oxford Institute of Population Ageing; y es investigador de procesos psicosociales, identitarios, familiares y sociedad de envejecimiento.




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How to Cite
Klein, A. (2023). “Riding a Juggernaut”. Journal De Ciencias Sociales, 2(21), 41-55. https://doi.org/10.18682/jcs.v2i21.9498