Essay on children's right to healthy eating

Keywords: right to food, malnutrition, food sovereignty, food system


The right to food is a fundamental human right recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the National Constitution of Argentina. However, malnutrition continues to be a problem in the child population, manifesting itself in the form of excess weight and being related to the consumption of ultra-processed foods. Human lactation is the first food system and its loss at the expense of infant formulas contributes to great economic losses and environmental damage, in addition to harm to family health and economy. The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes provides rules to promote, protect and support human lactation, but the industry's abusive marketing policies have continued. Governments and civil society need to work together to guarantee the right to adequate food and promote breastfeeding. In addition, the industrialization and globalization of the food industry have led to environmental degradation and health problems, including obesity and chronic diseases. The NOVA food classification categorizes ultra-processed foods as the least healthy. There is a need for a shift in the food system towards sustainability and the importance of addressing the commercial determinants of health. In this regard, policies have been implemented to limit the marketing and consumption of unhealthy foods, including taxes on sugary drinks and front labeling of packages. However, there are challenges in implementing these policies due to fragmented regulatory authority and political and economic interests. A new food system is needed to guarantee the right to adequate food and promote the health and well-being of the population.


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Author Biography

Enrique O. Abeyá Gilardon, Asociación Argentina de Salud Pública

Médico (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Médico Pediatra (Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría). Magister Scientificae en Salud Pública Materno Infantil y Nutrición del Instituto de Nutrición de Centro América y Panamá-OPS/OMS y Universidad San Carlos de Guatemala.
Presidente del Consejo Nutrición Pública de la Asociación Argentina de Salud Pública
Docente de Maestría Nutrición Humana del Instituto de Desarrollo e Investigaciones Pediátricas “Fernando E. Viteri” Universidad Nacional de La Plata


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How to Cite
Abeyá Gilardon, E. O. (2024). Essay on children’s right to healthy eating. Journal De Ciencias Sociales, 1(22), 103-128.