Evaluation of the nutritional status of Qom and Wichí children in Formosa, Argentina

Keywords: nutritional status, indigenous communities, evolution, biosocial determinants


This paper presents results on the nutritional status of Qom and Wichí communities in the province of Formosa. Our approach is framed in biological anthropology and tries to understand child growth as a result of the dialogue between the biological and the sociocultural. The Qom and Wichí are native peoples of the Gran Chaco region whose lifestyle was traditionally hunter-gatherer. At present, these communities are in a process of economic, sociocultural, demographic and epidemiological transition. Our work has focused on a peri- urban Qom population of the city of Formosa and on rural Qom and Wichí populations of western Formosa. The sample is made up of infants and children up to 18 years of age. In general, Qom infants, most of them exclusively breastfed until 6 months of age, show a growth curve higher than the WHO standard curves. Different growth trajectories were observed between the Qom and the Wichí. Although they share the same ecology and relative socioeconomic status, Wichí children tend to have more unfavorable growth rates. This paper will refer to possible evolutionary and biosocial interpretations to understand these differences in growth trajectories and will incorporate ethnographic data relevant to understanding current growth patterns.


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Author Biographies

Sofía Irene Olmedo, Instituto de Investigaciones sobre Lenguaje, Sociedad y Territorio

Investigadora asistente de CONICET. Doctora en Ciencias de la Salud (FCM-UNC) y Licenciada en Nutrición (UCP-FSA). Profesora Adjunta en la Universidad Nacional de Formosa
Trabaja en estudios sobre nutrición y alimentación desde la perspectiva de la salud colectiva. Aborda temas relacionados con salud intercultural, el medio ambiente, organización social en contextos de diversidad cultural. Actualmente, trabaja en el proyecto: Análisis de sistemas alimentarios en contextos de diversidad cultural de la provincia de Formosa. En 2022, fue seleccionada por la comisión Fulbright y el Ministerio de Educación de la Nación para realizar una pasantía de investigación en el año 2023 en la Universidad de Yale-USA con el proyecto:Análisis nutricional y sociocultural del consumo alimentario y la seguridad hídrica de la comunidad pilagá de La Bomba en Formosa-Argentina.

Melanie Martin, Washington University

Her research examines biocultural influences on growth, development, and reproduction. She conducts field research with two ongoing studies of indigenous health across the life course: the Chaco Area Reproductive Ecology Program (Formosa, Argentina) and the Tsimane Health and Life History Project (Beni, Bolivia). Recent research topics include: the influence of birth mode, breastfeeding, and complementary feeding on infant health, growth, and maternal reproductive outcomes; infant microbial development; female growth and hormonal transitions during puberty; community based participatory research.

Claudia Rita Valeggia, Yale University

Her work is primarily concerned with the interactions between human reproductive biology and the ecological and cultural context in which it develops. Her research program takes a biocultural approach, that is, the interplay between biology and culture takes a central role in interpreting reproductive and other demographic patterns. Research interests: human reproductive ecology, reproductive endocrinology, maternal and child health, evolutionary demography, biodemography of aging, and health of indigenous populations in Latin America. She is originally from Argentina,  degree in Biology. PhD from the University of California, Davis. She works in the the Department of Anthropology at Penn, and at Yale. 


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How to Cite
Olmedo, S. I., Martin, M., & Valeggia, C. R. (2024). Evaluation of the nutritional status of Qom and Wichí children in Formosa, Argentina. Journal De Ciencias Sociales, 2(23), 109-136. https://doi.org/10.18682/jcs.v2i23.9643