Urban Spaces. The projected city and experienced city

  • Adriana Carisimo Universidad Nacional de Misiones
Keywords: city, urban space, experience, explorations


This essay presents dialogues on the urban from some ideas of fundamental authors in the reflection on the city in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, first, presents the dialogue between the proposals of Jane Jacobs and Jan Gehl on the scales in which cities are lived and planned, both authors reveal the importance of thinking about people (citizenship) and the human scale when designing urban spaces. Secondly, a dialogue on the right to the city is presented, with some contributions by Henry Lefebvre and David Harvey, the enriching path that this notion, coined during the 1960s, has become the epitome of a social movement appropriated by the actors. Without delving into the theoretical matrices that have shaped these proposals, the goal of this text is to open the debate and present some questions about the meaning of urban experience in terms of the differences between projected spaces and lived spaces, as well as to reflect in exploratory terms on the importance of citizen participation in the elaboration of public policies.


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Author Biography

Adriana Carisimo, Universidad Nacional de Misiones

Licenciada en Comunicación Social, Magíster y Doctora en Antropología Social (FHyCS – UNaM). Profesora Adjunta Regular en las Cátedras de Introducción a la Comunicación Social e Introducción a la Semiótica en la Licenciatura en Comunicación de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Ha trabajado durante una década estudiando procesos territoriales en el sur de Paraguay (Beca Doctoral y Posdoctoral de CONICET). Actualmente está retomando la investigación en procesos de comunicación e interacción social.



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Otros documentos consultados

Asamblea General Naciones Unidas (2016) Documento de Política 1: Derecho a la ciudad y ciudades para todos. Comité preparatorio de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre la Vivienda y el Desarrollo Urbano Sostenible (Hábitat III). Surubaya (Indonesia). http://habitat3.org/wp-content/uploads/Policy- Paper-1-Español.pdf

How to Cite
Carisimo, A. (2023). Urban Spaces. The projected city and experienced city. Journal De Ciencias Sociales, 2(21), 27-40. https://doi.org/10.18682/jcs.v2i21.9644