The importance of the relational for the empowerment in justice and truth in members of an organization of relatives of disappeared by political violence in Peru

Keywords: social connectedness, post-traumatic growth, agency and empowerment, justice and truth


The study analyzed the relationships between social connectedness, posttraumatic growth and empowerment in the search for justice and truth in members of an organization of relatives of disappeared persons due to the political violence in Peru. For this end, in-depth interviews were done to tried to define justice and truth as an agency goal and the functionings achieved, the characterization of interpersonal relationships within the collective and the identification of changes in time after the experience of violence. The results revealed important changes in the relational field, going from an instrumental value to an intrinsic one respect to the organization. Changes in post-traumatic growth were also identified, because of interpersonal bonds and the processing of what was lived. Finally, intermediate and final functionings on the domain of justice and truth were revealed, being the first determinants of the achievement of the latter and where the interpersonal had a special value because it facilitated the processing of the traumatic event and also the achievement of the goal of justice and truth. In this regard, post-traumatic growth would play an intermediary role, given the particularity of the case, between the relational field and the empowerment to achieve justice and truth.


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Author Biography

Henry Raúl Guillén Zambrano, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Magíster en Desarrollo Humano por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). Licenciado en Psicología Social por la PUCP. Investigador del Instituto de Desarrollo Humano de América Latina (IDHAL - PUCP).


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How to Cite
Guillén Zambrano, H. R. (2020). The importance of the relational for the empowerment in justice and truth in members of an organization of relatives of disappeared by political violence in Peru. Journal De Ciencias Sociales, (15).