Review forms

Details of the review forms stipulated in this journal:

Articles Review Form
Once the manuscript has been reviewed, the reviewer has to click on a checkbox what he/she considers appropriate (accepted; request modifications or rejected) in each of the dimensions detailed below:

- Problem statement.
- Review of the state of the art .
- Theoretical content.
- Methodological section.
- Results.
- Bibliographic and documentary references.
- Internal coherence.
- Writing style.
- Conclusions.
Then, the reviewer should complete the text boxes on the same nine dimensions mentioned above, suggesting modifications or pointing out details to correct by the authors. To conclude, he/she should indicate a final decision, that is, the final opinion. The options available are three:

a) ACCEPTED: the manuscript is considered relevant to the section of the journal in which it is applied (scientific article or essay) and demonstrates expository clarity on the previously reviewed categories.

b) REQUEST MODIFICATIONS: the manuscript requires adjustments in any of the revised dimensions. The opinion of requesting modifications implies opening a second round of evaluation after the authors attend or respond to the comments indicated by the reviewer.

c) REJECTED: a manuscript that has more than four of the nine review dimensions rejected, should be considered rejected.

Only one option is valid option as a final decision.
If a manuscript is evaluated in a second time, that is to say in a second round of review, the final decision options are reduced to two: Accepted or Rejected.


Essays Review Form
Once the manuscript has been reviewed, the reviewer has to click on a checkbox what he/she considers appropriate (accepted; request modifications or rejected) in each of the dimensions detailed below:

- Central idea - core of the proposal.
- Theoretical content.
- Bibliographic and documentary references.
- Body of the argument.
- Internal consistency
- Writing style.
- Conclusions.
Then, the reviewer should complete the text boxes on the same seven dimensions mentioned above, suggesting modifications or pointing out details to correct by the authors. To conclude, he/she should indicate a final decision, that is, the final opinion. The options available are three:

a) ACCEPTED: the manuscript is considered relevant to the section of the journal in which it is applied (scientific article or essay) and demonstrates expository clarity on the previously reviewed categories.

b) REQUEST MODIFICATIONS: the manuscript requires adjustments in any of the revised dimensions. The opinion of requesting modifications implies opening a second round of evaluation after the authors attend or respond to the comments indicated by the reviewer.

c) REJECTED: a manuscript that has more than three of the seven review dimensions rejected, should be considered as rejected.

Only one option is valid as a final decision.
If a manuscript is evaluated in a second time, that is to say in a second round of review, the final decision options are reduced to two: Accepted or Rejected.