List of topics history by Issue
This section is a service for readers provided by the editorial team of the Journal of Social Sciences. It lists the topics addressed by the authors of articles and essays that participated in each issue published by the journal from 2013 to the present.
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Year 12 - Issue 23. 2024. Themed Issue: Reflections on Childhood from Contemporary Social Research
• Challenges in measuring the impact of public investment in health.
• Longitudinal study on a group of adolescents in a middle-income country like Peru.
• Affiliation and Indigenous languages in Argentina.
• Assessment of the nutritional status of Qom and Wichí children in Argentina.
Year 12 - Issue 22. 2024. Themed Issue: Child Malnutrition in Argentina.
• Food consumption among Argentine children.
• Children's rights to healthy nutrition.
• Food insecurity and social protection systems.
• Agribusiness and the impact of malnutrition.
Year 11 - Issue 21. 2023. General Themes Issue.
• Transitional justice in contexts of criminal violence and state fragility; Mexico.
• Urban space (theoretical reflections).
• Preliminary inquiry into Giddens' ideas on the social, expressed in terms of modernity, basic trust, expert systems, and risk policies.
• Social interests of youth and choosing a university career.
• Barriers faced by universities in transferring research to public policy.
Year 11 - Issue 20. 2023. General Themes Issue.
• Good agricultural practices (GAP) and territoriality in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina, 2002–2018.
• Banking processes involved in Conditional Income Transfer Programs in Buenos Aires City (CABA), Argentina.
• Social networks as communication systems in universities of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA), Argentina.
• The society of work: reflections.
• The influence of UNRWA on the development of Palestinian nationalism.
Year 10 - Issue 19. 2022. General Themes Issue.
• Territorial reconfigurations in the Buenos Aires Atlantic Coast, Argentina.
• Mutual aid groups during COVID-19.
• Public space in post-Soviet cities.
• Current issues in university extension in Argentina.
• Environmental education and pedagogical experiences.
• Learning English during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Year 10 - Issue 18. 2022. Featured Issue: The Relationship Between Society, Education, and Politics.
• Political participation of women and public resource allocation to education and healthcare.
• Professional identity of the educational assistant, Mexico.
• Housing where children live with their families, Argentina.
• Pre-professional Social Work practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Year 9 - Issue 17. 2021. General themes.
• Habitat in a neighborhood of the city of Tandil.
• Right to the city and living spaces of Trans people in Mar del Plata.
• Sociocultural integration of the immigrant population: assimilation and multiculturalism.
• Virtual worlds. Digital age.
• Organizational innovation of MSMEs in Mexico.
• Physical activity: between ethics and aesthetics. The Hippocratic conception.
Year 9 - Issue 16. 2021. Special issue: Problems of social life in Mexico, diverse perspectives of analysis.
• Food insecurity and quality of life.
• Effects on well-being from victimization and fear of crime.
• Rural quality of life and qualitative methodology.
• Considerations for qualitative research on irrational beliefs.
• Teaching and quality of life in higher education.
• Behavioral problems in children.
• Perceptions of excess weight according to the sociocultural context.
Year 8 - Issue 15. 2020. Special issue: Social problems in Latin America: An approach from the human capabilities framework.
• Capabilities and education.
• Child well-being - child abuse.
• Youth participation and collective capabilities.
• Multidimensional interventions to overcome poverty.
• Capabilities approach in sustainable development evaluation.
• The relational for empowerment in justice and truth in organizations of families of victims of political violence in Peru.
Year 8 - Issue 14. 2020. General themes.
• Towards a deconstruction of the woman-mother union.
• Theoretical and methodological approaches to commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in Girardot, Cundinamarca.
• Castes in India.
• The perplexity of meaning: Daniel Bell's proposal.
• Land distribution in Central Mexico.
• Proposal for land use zoning in "Las Toscas", Lobería district, Buenos Aires province.
Year 7 - Issue 13. 2019. Special issue: Contemporary political problems in Asia (also includes several works on diverse themes of general interest to the Social Sciences).
• Political representation of women in India.
• Diplomatic strategies of China and Japan towards Latin America.
• Relations and state policies of China with its diaspora.
• Differences in subjective well-being of Chilean adolescents by gender in the international context.
• Geography and quality of life in Argentina.
• Migrations, unequal development, and environment: the case of Ameca, Jalisco, Mexico.
Year 7 - Issue 12. 2019. General themes.
• The role of International Organizations in International Relations theory.
• Gender equality, education, and work: an approach to the situation in Chile, Cuba, and Finland.
• The internationalization of Higher Education. Analysis of the Alpha Tuning Project in Latin America.
• Gender stereotypes transmitted to children in the post-patriarchal family.
• Rethinking social workers' practices in schools from the adult-centered construction of youth.
• Maldives and the delicate balance between India and China.
Year 6 - Issue 11. 2018. Special issue: Policies of recognition of agency and participation from the beginning of life.
• The construction of the "child as a subject of rights" and children's agency.
• Deaf students: the importance of participating from childhood.
• Being a girl, indigenous, and migrant. Life course and agency in social contexts marked by gender violence and inequality. The case of a Tsotsil girl.
• Children's participation through art in a market in the State of Mexico.
• Right to participation in care and protection contexts.
• Motherhood as an individual and autonomous project. The case of solo mothers by choice.
• Water and sanitation governance and water conflicts in Latin America.
Year 6 - Issue 10. 2018. Special issue: Work, Quality of Life, and Health. What is different for women? (also includes several works on diverse themes of general interest to the Social Sciences).
• Women's employability in the Spanish labor market.
• Measuring health in the European labor market: a gender perspective.
• Informality and job insecurity among domestic workers in Santiago del Estero.
• Class, gender, and emancipation in Erik Wright and Pierre Bourdieu.
• Argentine sports institutions for youth and women: links to human rights and social inclusion.
• The polysemy of the concept of sport: the possibility of building a thesaurus.
• The National Happiness Index: the case of the Kingdom of Bhutan.
Year 5 - Issue 9. 2017. Special issue: Studies on India (also includes several works on diverse themes of general interest to the Social Sciences).
• The "modernity" of imagination in Jagannātha Paṇḍitarāja.
• The Bhils in the jungles of Western Rajasthan.
• Territorialization of the seas: the case of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
• Contemporary international politics of India and China.
• Cultural diplomacy between India and China.
• A brief historical review of Cambodia.
• University community and quality of life in Venezuela. The case of Universidad Metropolitana.
Year 5 - Issue 8. 2017. Special issue: Public affairs (also includes several works on diverse themes of general interest to the Social Sciences).
• Government and politics.
• The evolution of relations between MERCOSUR founding members and their counterparts in the CCG.
• Rural social participation in mitigating vulnerability derived from climate variability in Colombia.
• Governance networks and organizations involved in local public water management: water committees in the municipality of Xalatlaco, Mexico.
• New generations and employment.
• Relationship modalities between separated or divorced parents and children in the crisis of patriarchy.
• Domestic violence as an invisible phenomenon.
Year 4 - Issue 7. 2016. Special issue: Socio-spatial problems.
• Urbanization and the Argentine urban network: an analysis of the 1991-2010 period.
• Well-being in Castilla and León.
• Technological development as human development in extreme poverty contexts.
• Governance and habitability in General Pueyrredón district. An approach to urban sustainability from local management.
• Socio-environmental vulnerability in Monte Caseros, Corrientes.
• Regime differences and integration perspectives in South America.
• Impact of the Monsoon phenomenon on agricultural production in India.
Year 4 - Issue 6. 2016. Special issue: Social Sciences and Literature.
• Cultural management and its impact on the emergence and construction of collective memory in indigenous peoples.
• The space of the reductions of the Jesuit Province of Paraguay as a symbolic construction of religious and socio-cultural adaptation.
• Evil as a political problem: the "Dostoevsky paradigm" and the birth of dystopia.
• Semiotic approach to Weimar cinema.
• Spectacle, theater, and political patronage in Renaissance Italy.
• Carlo Levi's book as a period document and other issues—characters, magical thinking, thanatophilia, the Southern problem, migration, gender—that complicate its reading.
Year 3 - Issue. 5. 2015. General themes.
• Youth.
• Discrimination and transgender people.
• Catalan nationalism and relative autonomy of the state.
• Religious re-signification in contemporary Nigeria.
• Issues surrounding Indian philosophy.
• Intercultural dialogue and language contact in early 20th-century China.
• History, precursors, and current studies on Southeast Asia in Argentina.
Year 3 - Issue 4. 2015. General themes.
• Contributions to the revaluation of rural life and quality of life from General Pueyrredon district.
• Collaborative action in regional integration contexts.
• Japanese migration and war: Fernando Hiramuro, a Mexican hibakusha.
• Motivational values and subjective well-being in Chilean professionals.
• The discomfort of the subject in consumer society.
• Approaches to social capital in Argentina.
• Quality of life and poverty in Argentina (2010). Provincial-scale approach.
Year 2 - Issue 3. 2014. General themes.
• Methodology of complex systems applied to research in physical activity and health.
• Social policies, anti-poverty, and social development: the Universal Child Allowance.
• Postmodern society and family life.
• Robert K. Merton, Erving Goffman, and the role resource.
• Identity and counterfactual history in Philip Roth's novel The Plot Against America.
• Nationalism in the Balkans and the creation of states.
Year 2 - Issue 2. 2014. General themes.
• The diaspora in the context of the articulation between the local and the global.
• Symbolism in pre-Hispanic art from the 16th to 20th centuries.
• Russian foreign policy.
• Institutional conditions and transparency.
• Social skills from school.
• Programs for the prevention of child labor: the "Spaces for Growth" network in Barranquilla (Colombia).
Year 1 - Issue. 1. 2013. General themes.
• Research in Social Sciences: the challenge of scientific analysis.
• Defining and measuring well-being.
• Youth policies in Mexico.
• Protest and organization of social movements based on collective action theories.
• Social program for the historic center of Asunción.
• Urban land in Brazil.
• Spatial experiences in General Pueyrredón district, Buenos Aires.