• Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 12
    Vol 2 No 23 (2024)

    Oriented Issue: Reflections on Childhood from Contemporary Social Research

    This special issue of the Journal of Social Sciences aims to contribute to the understanding of the complex realities faced by children in various parts of the world. Continuing the editorial line established by the previous issue earlier this year, and leveraging the growing reception of work focused on exploring the dynamics and challenges affecting the world of children today, the journal's editorial team has decided to launch this issue with all sections of the journal centered around the same core theme.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 12
    Vol 1 No 22 (2024)

    Número orientado: Malnutrición infantil en Argentina
    En la actualidad la malnutrición infantil (entendida como la conjunción de situaciones de desnutrición y otras de sobrepeso u obesidad) constituye un importante condicionante del potencial humano. Su ocurrencia compromete distintos aspectos del desarrollo cognitivo y psico-emocional, con efecto en las futuras trayectorias educativas, laborales y con ulterior repercusión en la productividad económica y el capital humano de un país.
    En relación a esto, este número orientado reúne varias contribuciones de calidad que aportan conocimiento sustantivo y original, útil como insumo para las políticas públicas, sobre estos problemas.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 11
    Vol 2 No 21 (2023)

    Number of general themes.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 11
    Vol 1 No 20 (2023)

    Number of general themes.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 10
    Vol 2 No 19 (2022)

    Number of general themes.


  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 10
    Vol 1 No 18 (2022)

    Oriented Number: The relationship between Society, Education and Politics.

    This number brings together contributions dedicated to reflection and analysis, with both theoretical and methodological perspectives, on educational processes from different disciplines. It is worth clarifying that some works with diverse themes and of interest for the general field of Social Sciences are also included in this same issue.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 9 No 17

    Number of general themes.

    Year: 2021

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 9 No 16

    Oriented number: Problems of life in society in Mexico, various perspectives of analysis.

    This number has been organized jointly with professors and students of postgraduate careers from the Centro Universitario del Sur, Universidad de Guadalajara; which is part of the Programa Nacional de Posgrados de Calidad of the CONACYT- Mexico: the Doctorate and the Master in Psychology with a focus on Quality of Life and Health, becoming a multidisciplinary collaborative space.

    Year: 2021

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 8 No 15

    Oriented issue: Social problems in Latin America: a view from the human capabilities approach.

    A special thanks to the Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA), for disseminating this number among its members, and thus making it possible for a series of contributions from authors with diverse geographic and academic origins. The number begins with a few words of appreciation and gratitude to the work and career of Dr. Javier María Iguiñiz Echeverría, a pioneer in human development studies in Latin America. The launch of this special issue of our magazine is dedicated to him.

    Year: 2020

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 8 No 14

    Number of general themes.

    In this edition, both the International Debates section and the new section - called Social Panorama - are dedicated to the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) on the world.

    Year: 2020

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 7 No 13

    Number with oriented articles: Contemporary political problems in Asia.

    The oriented contributions presented in this issue propose a contribution to the reflection from Latin America on some political problems in contemporary Asia. To this end, various perspectives are gathered around issues of notorious validity today. The centrality in the study of the political issue in Asia is based on an already widespread recognition about the importance that the vertiginous process of economic growth and social transformation has gained for the international relations scenario, occurred in countries of emerging evolution such as India and China. The presentation of the oriented works was in charge of the two guest editors.

    It is worth clarifying that several works with different themes and of interest for the general field of Social Sciences, are also incorporated in this same issue.

    Year: 2019.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 7 No 12

    Number of general themes.

    Year: 2019.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 6 No 11

    Oriented Number: Agency Recognition Policies and Participation from the Beginning of Life.

    Despite the fact that the International Convention on the Rights of the Child was signed universally for more than a quarter of a century (with the exception of the United States of America) and that it obliges states to implement comprehensive cross-cutting policies to guarantee the exercise of The rights of children and adolescents, with criteria of universality, interdependence, indivisibility and progressivity, there is a double discourse regarding the attention and services directed to this sector where the assistance approach, irregular and retail situation continues to refuses to recognize them as citizens with social rights of participation.
    It is worth clarifying that several works with different themes and of general interest for the field of Social Sciences are also incorporated in this same issue.

    Year: 2018.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 6 No 10

    Number with oriented articles: Work, Quality of Life and Health. What is Different for Women?

    The central theme of the articles gathered in this edition is: Work, Quality of Life and Health. What is different for women? The road towards overcoming gender inequalities. The main purpose of this issue is to go, through the gender perspective, into the social and economic determinants of inequalities in work, quality of life and health.
    It is worth mentioning that several works with different themes of interest for the field of Social Sciences are also included in this issue.

    Year: 2018.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 5 No 9

    Oriented number: Indian Studies.

    This issue of the Journal of Social Sciences is especially oriented to Indian Studies. Most of the material included here, including articles, reviews, international policy notes and student work, therefore, has as main focus, or as one of its focuses, issues or problems related to ancient or contemporary India, addressed from the perspective of the social sciences and the humanities.

    Year: 2017.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 5 No 8

    Oriented number: Public affairs.

    Year: 2017

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 4 No 7

    Oriented number: Socio-spatial problems.

    Year: 2016

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 4 No 6

    Oriented number: Social Science and Literature.

    This new issue of the Journal Journal de Ciencias Sociales is dedicated to interdisciplinary studies that essentially involve the complex relationships that can be established from the Social Sciences with literature, cinema and cultural management.

    Year: 2016.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 3 No 5

    Number of general themes.

    Year: 2015.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 3 No 4

    Number of general themes.

    Year: 2015

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 2 No 3

    Number of general themes.

    Year: 2014.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 2 No 2

    Number of general themes.

    Year: 2014.

  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales / Year 1 No 1

    Number of general themes.

    Year: 2013.