Ethical guidelines and good practices

The Journal de Ciencias Sociales is guided by the principles of: transparency, good communication and methodological strictness; seeking the confidence of all its users about, on the one hand, the efficiency of the publication process and, on the other, about the quality of the literary products achieved. Likewise, the Journal adheres to the Principles of transparency and good practices in academic publications of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) 

The Journal thus provides a guide of responsibilities and duties for the editor, authors, and reviewers:

- Duties of the editor

  1. The editor is under a duty to supervise all the editorial process. He/She is responsible for the editorial line, and for the selection of reviewers at the review phase. He/She makes editorial decisions and handles future, past, and current issues of the Journal.
  2. The editor will strive to satisfy readers’ and authors’ needs, to constantly improve the quality and impact of the Journal, to guarantee the diversity of authors, both in terms of subject-matter and geography, and to ensure the academic and scientific standards of the entire editing process.
  3. The editor’s decision to accept or reject an article for publication will be based only on the significance, originality, and clarity of the article, as well as its relevance to the Journal.
  4. The editor undertakes to guarantee the confidentiality of the evaluation process.
  5. Following the evaluation process, and once an article is declared “publishable” by the reviewers, the editor is responsible for deciding which articles will be published in the Journal.
  6. The editor will have the means to publish corrections, clarifications or retractions when necessary.

- Duties of authors

  1. Authors are required to adhere to the “Author Guidelines” set out by the Journal.
  2. Authors must ensure that their work is original. Submissions that have been previously published will not be accepted.
  3. The article submitted may not be concurrently under consideration for publication in any other journal.
  4. All the sources used for research must be properly cited and referenced, and included in the bibliographic references.
  5. Authors must confirm that the results presented in their work are the exclusive product of their research. They must also confirm that they hold the rights to publish the work and that they do not infringe the intellectual property rights of any other person.
  6. They must provide retractions or correction of errors as soon as they are detected.

- Duties of reviewers

  1. Reviewers are under a duty to conduct an objective assessment of the manuscripts submitted for their consideration.
  2. A reviewer that feels unqualified to review a manuscript must return it to the editor or director of the Journal within a term not exceeding ten days.
  3. Reviewers must treat the manuscripts received for consideration as confidential documents.
  4. Manuscripts are to be reviewed within 6 weeks.
  5. Reviewers must provide a clear assessment for the Editorial Committee, the Editor, the Directorship of the Journal and the author to be able to understand the reasons for their comments.
  6. He must abstain from carrying out the evaluation task when he detects any potential conflict of interest with the work or with his authors.

Should any editorial conflicts arise, they shall be directly dealt with by the Directorship of the Journal, which may also seek the opinion of the members of the Editorial Committee and/or the Scientific Committee.

Anyone who believes that a work published by this Journal does not conform to the aforementioned principles, can raise their concerns to the address of the journal by sending an email to