Una revisión acerca del estudio de la movilización de la protesta y la organización de los movimientos sociales a partir de las teorías de la acción colectiva
The aim of this paper is to perform a conceptual analysis about the ways that social movements were examined by sociology and theories of collective action. It caters especially to the different ways in which the exam was approached mobilizing and organizing the protest. The existence of a direct association between the structural tensions in society and mobilizing the protest was an idea that has endured for many years in sociological theory. The text problems this claim, tracing the historical journey that this discipline toured around the issue. In sociological theory can recognize several interpretive moments about when, how and why it occurs mobilizing protest. We explore each of them, considering how it was processed that idea, and how it was challenged by subsequent contributions. The conclusion is that, given the first performances, went ahead with a multifactor model that he put together the following analytical steps: a)tension b) discomfort, dissent, discontent and deprivation; c) internal resources (networks, organization) and resources external (political opportunities); d) collective action (mobilization of protest).
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