
Keywords: Poulatzas, State, Class Struggle, Socialism


For a long time, the study of the State has been marked by a monolithic understanding, since it has been understood as the only possibility to avoid the battle of all against all, the supreme expression of society or an agreement of one class for the oppression of another. Under this premise, Nicos Poulantzas will develop a critical proposal in the conception and approach to state architecture, understanding it as a space of constant dispute and crystallization of class conflict, aiming to understand it as a complex whole that never manages to belong entirely to one sector. These observations are of transcendental importance, since those who aspire to understand institutionalism from the Social Sciences will find a complex proposal for the study of the State. It is in this logic that this paper intends to review Poulantzas' State, Power and Socialism, considering that this text makes a fundamental theoretical contribution to the study of political science. By reviewing some approaches, we aim to provide some conceptual orientations of the Greek-French author so that they can serve to deepen a theoretical project of great relevance in times when political disaffection and struggles for the State are more present than ever.


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Author Biography

Javier Fernández, Universidad de Chile

Tesista de Magíster en Ciencia Política por la Universidad de Chile. Becario ANID Magíster Nacional 2021- Folio n° 22210922. Se ha desempeñado como ayudante de cátedra en pregrado y actualmente trabaja como ayudante de investigación en proyectos Fondecyt. Interesado en temas de teoría política, conflicto social y opinión pública


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How to Cite
Fernández, J. (2021). Español. Journal De Ciencias Sociales, (17), 160-164.
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